Simple Lemon Pave
➡1 can of condensed milk
➡1 can of whey-free cream
➡100 ml of squeezed lemon juice
➡300 g of cornstarch biscuits
➡100 ml of milk
➡lemon zest
? Preparation Mode:
➡In a bowl add a can of condensed milk, a can of whey-free cream and 100 ml of squeezed lemon juice.
➡Mix and beat with the fuêt (wire beater) until you get a creaminess. Reserve.
➡Forre a shape or a glass platter (24 × 10 cm) with plastic film, to make it easier when unmoulding the pave. Only if you want to unmold otherwise you don’t have to.
➡TIP: Leave a little plastic film left to make it even easier when pulling and unmoulding the pave.
➡Put a very thin layer of lemon cream on the shape.
➡Wet the cornstarch cookie slightly in the milk and layer the pan under the lemon cream.
➡Make one more layer with the lemon cream and one more with the cornstarch cookie.
➡Repeat the process once more until you find it necessary and fill the shape or platter.
➡Ao complete the platter, decorate with lemon zest (you can use the rind of one of the lemons you made the juice and scrape it with a scraper over the pave).
➡Leve to fridge for at least 2 hours or freezer for 40 minutes.
➡After this time, carefully remove the pave from the shape, pulling the sides of the plastic film.
➡Mas if you want, you don’t need the plastic film, just leave the pave on the platter, and serve.